Reference: “Technology’s Impact on Learning"
Through the use of advanced computing and technology, learning can be both beneficial and fun! The process of learning in the classroom can become significantly richer as students have access to new and different types of information, students can interact...............
with what is in front of them and become more confident in using todays technology. For example, instead of reading about the human circulatory system and seeing textbook pictures depicting blood flow, students can use technology to see blood moving through veins and arteries, and watch the process of oxygen entering the bloodstream.”
“We know now - based on findings of many research studies, - that, properly used, technology can enhance the achievement of all students, increase families’ involvement in their children’s schooling, improve teachers’ skills and knowledge, and improve school administration and management.
“We know now - based on findings of many research studies, - that, properly used, technology can enhance the achievement of all students, increase families’ involvement in their children’s schooling, improve teachers’ skills and knowledge, and improve school administration and management.
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